Adventurers of Edaril

Silas Astras - Half-Elf - Cleric

Amaria Midizi - Wizard - Half-Elf

Illyria Fugue - Bard - Lightfoot Halfling

Lucius D. Hargrave - Rogue - Tiefling

Lavandil - Fighter - Wood-Elf
Known Enemies

Zombies - These creatures are bodies of the dead that have been exhumed from their resting place with arcane energy. With their rotting carcasses and disheveled clothing, it is a wonder how they can even move or attack.

Goblins - Goblins are small, black-hearted humanoids that lair in despoiled dungeons and other dismal settings. Individually weak, they gather in large numbers to torment other creatures......

Cultists - Cultists are human/humanoid beings of any race that swear allegiance to dark powers and malevolent leaders. They can conceal their loyalties to blend in and avoid being imprisoned or executed.
Cassius - Cassius was a priest for the __||_|_|___. He was encountered in a cave near Lastcairn after kidnapping Amaria and Silas. Cassius had the power to control nearby undead with a _||__|__|__ staff he imbued with the souls of the dead. He is now dead.